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Promoting Laws

 July 28, 2022
[For Women of China]


Shaanxi Women's Federation, the Legal Affairs Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Shaanxi Provincial Department of Justice on April 28 launched a campaign, which includes public lectures on law, to benefit women in Shaanxi. The launch ceremony and the first lecture were held in Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

During the first lecture, Ma Yufeng, an associate professor with the School of Civil and Commercial Law of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, explained the legal issues addressed in the marriage and family part of the Civil Code. She also explained China's major targets and measures, as stated in the Women and Law section of Shaanxi's provincial program for women's development (2021-2030), to protect women's legal rights and interests in the new era.

To raise women's awareness of the law, Shaanxi Women's Federation established a 150-member group of lecturers. The federation has also worked with the Legal Affairs Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC and Shaanxi Provincial Department of Justice in organizing a themed, short-video contest. The interesting short videos have helped promote laws among women.


(Women of China English Monthly June 2022 issue)


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